Your ideas implemented by us

Special mandates

Asset consolidation

We work out a consolidation of your different portfolios and support you with an independent risk analysis of your total assets. In addition, we support you in controlling the costs and performance of various asset managers. Our service provides you with a comprehensive analysis of your consolidated total assets – which in turn leads to asset management tailored to your needs.

Execution of wills

As executors, we implement the testamentary will of the testator as an independent authority. On behalf of the heirs, we take on inheritance distribution mandates, provide advice and support in the search for innovative solutions and thus help to save costs. We guarantee security and neutrality.

Board of directors and foundation board mandates (corporate governance)

Risk-based decision-making processes and transparent organizational structures are essential factors in a company’s compliance and reputation. They influence its strategic positioning, its credibility and also its valuation. Our broad experience in the implementation of management concepts, corporate governance, in crises and strategic change processes (change management) guarantees us a pragmatic approach with a solid sense of proportion.

Your contact person

Givord Luc

Partner, Family Office

Tel.: +41 61 277 01 21

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